(Wac ), 42 5 Codified Ordinances RULES OF CONSTRUCTION. This exemption shall be canceled immediately when the student is graduated from school, college or university or is expelled or ceases to be a student. Government Offices. State corporation commission; creation; members, appointment, terms, vacancies; chairperson; salaries; application of K-GOAL. No person shall throw, shoot or propel an arrow, missile, pellet, stone, metal or other similar substance capable of causing physical harm to persons or property, in or on any public place, in or on the property of another, or from any private property into or onto any public place or the property of another. (b) The driver of a vehicle shall likewise stop in obedience to a stop sign as required herein at an intersection where a stop sign is erected at one or more entrances thereto although not a part of a through street or highway and shall proceed cautiously, yielding to vehicles not so obliged to stop which are within the intersection or approaching so closely as to constitute an immediate hazard, but may then proceed. 7.5 general laws to control Chtr. An Public Utility Excise Tax. Every person engaging or continuing within this City in the business of making loans of money, credit goods, or things in action, who because of such activity is required under the provisions of West Virginia Code Article 47-7A to obtain a license from the Commissioner of Banking of the State, and each and every industrial loan company shall be subject to the provisions of, and shall pay the taxes specified in, Section (Ord ) BANKING AND OTHER FINANCIAL BUSINESS. "Authorized emergency vehicle" means vehicles of the Fire Department, duly chartered rescue squad, Police Department, ambulance service, state, county or municipal agency and such privately owned ambulances, tow trucks, wreckers, flag car services, vehicles providing road service to disabled vehicles, service vehicles of a public service corporation, postal service vehicles, snow removal equipment, Class A vehicles of firefighters, Class A vehicles of members of ambulance services, and Class A vehicles of members of duly chartered rescue squads, and all other emergency vehicles as are designated by the agency responsible for the operation and control of these persons or organizations. Art Public Utility Excise Tax. (Current as of December 2003) New Jersey Department of Community Affairs Division of Local Government Services 101 South Broad Street PO Box 803, February 17, 2009 IN THE YEAR TWO THOUSAND AND NINE, AN ORDINANCE REGULATING ALARMS - FALSE ALARMS WITHIN THE CITY OF LYNN SECTION ENTITLED ALARM SYSTEMS WHEREAS, the purpose of this ordinance, finds that. Weekly reports shall be made by the Warden. All nonlaw-enforcement funeral escort vehicles and funeral lead vehicles may be equipped with at least one lighted circulation flashing lamp exhibiting an amber or purple light or lens. The affidavit must be in the possession of the person so afflicted, or the person's legal guardian, at all times while being transported in the motor vehicle Replacement, 153 TRAFFIC CODE 62B (g) The light transmittance requirement of this section does not apply to windows behind the driver on trucks, buses, trailers, mobile homes and multipurpose passenger vehicles. Chapter, Assembly Bill No. (b) No person shall drive or move any vehicle or equipment upon any street or highway with any lamp or device thereon displaying other than a white or amber light visible from directly in front of the center thereof except as authorized by subsection (d) hereof. (Ord, ) Replacement, 246 ARTICLE 529 Offenses Relating to Persons Assault and battery Assault and battery on school employees Assault of an officer Battery of a police officer Penalty. (WVaC ) ARTICLE NOT APPLICABLE TO CERTAIN USES BY PHYSICIANS, DRUGGISTS AND OTHERS. The driver of a motor vehicle shall when reasonably necessary to insure safe operation give audible warning with his horn but shall not otherwise use such horn when upon a street or highway. (e) If no inquiry from the owner or his representative is made to the Police Department within seventy-two hours after the towing then the Police Department shall immediately send or cause to be sent a written report of such towing by mail to the State department whose duty it is to register vehicles, and shall file a copy of such notice with the proprietor of any public garage in which may be stored. (4) Yellow flashing warning lights are restricted to the following: A. A11 other emergency vehicles, including tow trucks and wreckers. (7) The establishment, naming, vacating or grade level of any street or public way. (Ord ) (b) Whoever violates Section shall be fined not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) or imprisoned not more than thirty days, or both. The Mayor's veto power shall extend, in accordance with the above procedure, to disapproving or reducing any individual appropriation item in the budget or any ordinance or resolution. A motion for a continuance under this subsection shall not be construed as an admission or be used as evidence. The article and section titles or headings in this Charter are intended for convenience only to indicate the content of the article or section and shall not be deemed or taken to be a part of the article or section. "Knifen includes, but is not limited to, any dagger, dirk, poniard or stiletto with a blade over three and one-half inches in length, any switchblade knife or gravity knife, and any other instrument capable of inflicting cutting, stabbing or tearing wounds. 'Resident" also does not include members of the armed forces that are stationed in West Virginia providing that their vehicles are properly registered in their state of residence or a member of the armed forces stationed in another state or country providing that their vehicles are properly registered in that state or country. "Traffic" means pedestrians, ridden or herded animals, vehicles, streetcars and other conveyances either singly or together while using any street or highway for purposes of travel. (a) Permits may be revoked by the Building Inspector for violation of the provisions of this article, or if the mobile home park is maintained in an unsanitary or unsafe manner or in a manner such as to create a nuisance. Except as otherwise provided by general law, no person in City government shall directly or indirectly solicit any assessment, subscription or contribution for any political purpose whatever from any officer or employee of the City. With the prior approval of the Commissioner, a licensee whose principal business is the sale of food or consumer goods or the providing of recreation activities, including, but not limited to, nationally franchised fast food outlets, family-oriented restaurants, bowling alleys, drug stores, discount stores, grocery stores and convenience stores, may employ persons who are less than eighteen years of age but at least sixteen years of age: provided, that such person's duties shall not include the sale or delivery of nonintoxicating beer or alcoholic liquors: provided, however, that the authorization to employ such persons under the age of eighteen years shall be clearly indicated on the licensee's license. A plot in duplicate of the property, shall be filed by the applicant with his application drawn to a scale of not less than one eighth of an inch per foot showing the location and dimensions of all the units, roads, buildings, sewer connections, water connections, electric outlets. The intended operator shall be required to give the following information on the form: (1) A. "Knowingly" means to display or offer for viewing, whether with or without consideration. (b) No person, other than a licensed veterinarian or a person acting under the direction or with the approval of a licensed veterinarian, shall knowingly and willfully administer or cause to be administered to any animal participating in any contest any controlled substance or any other drug for the purpose of altering or otherwise affecting such animal's performance. The drawer of a check, draft or order against whom a warrant has been issued may at any time prior to trial pay to the court the amount of the check plus such court costs as would be assessed if such person were found guilty of the offense charged. The sufficiency of the financial resources and ability of the bidder to perform the contract or provide the service; 7. (1) General rule. 2nd Session of the 44th Legislature (1994) AS INTRODUCED An Act relating to professions and occupations; State Law in Texas affecting Local Codes & Ordinances, BERMUDA TRAFFIC OFFENCES (PENALTIES) ACT 1976 1976 : 30. Such deposit shall not be more than one-twelfth (1112) of the annual estimated charge for residential service and one-sixth (116) for all other service. (a) No vehicle shall at any time be driven to the left side of the roadway under the following conditions: (1) When approaching the crest of a grade or upon a curve in the street or highway where the driver's view is obstructed within such distance as to create a hazard in the event another vehicle might approach from the opposite direction; (2) When approaching within 100 feet of or traversing any intersection or railroad grade crossing; (3) When the view is obstructed upon approaching within 100 reet of an! according to the size of the water meter installed Replacement Meter Size Minimum Bill Minimum Usage (inches) (dollars) (gallons) 518 $ ooo , ,O , 342 6A Water and Sewer Charges (A) Indicates advance. (Ord ) COOPERATION AND COORDINATION WITH OTHER DEPARTMENTS. A tie among members for the office of Vice President shall be decided as prescribed above for the office of President. "Commercial driver license" means a license issued in accordance with the requirements of West Virginia Code Article 17E-1 to an individual which authorizes the individual to drive a class of commercial motor vehicle. Payment in full of the proper tax or fee as required by the City, the issuance of a City license certificate and the fulfillment of all terms and conditions of such grant shall be conditions precedent to the transaction of any business, profession, calling, vocation, activity, trade or employment for which the City license is required. (Ord ) TAX TO BE EFFECTIVE. (d) No person while on the premises of a retail outlet shall consume liquor or break the seal on any package or bottle of liquor. Nor shall any person throw or deposit any refuse in any stream or other body of water. (Wac 2-2-5) CONFLICTING PROVISIONS. 7.9 salary term Chtr. (a) In addition to any other penalties provided by the West Virginia Code or these Codified Ordinances, any person who drives, operates or is in physical control of a commercial motor vehicle while havingan alcohol concentration in his or her blood, breath or urine of four hundredths of one percent or more, by weight, shall be imprisoned for not less than twenty-four hours nor more than thirty days, and shall be fined not less than one hundred dollars ($100.00) nor more than five hundred dollars ($500.00). This provision shall not apply under the conditions stated in Section (b). *..,,,,-. (5) The use of yellow flashing warning lights shall be authorized as follows: A. dwellings. Every motor vehicle which is so constructed or loaded as to obstruct the driver's view to the rear thereof from the driver's position shall be equipped with a mirror so located as to reflect to the driver a view of the street or highway for a distance of at least 200 feet to the rear of such vehicle. "Employer" means any person, including the United States, a state or a political subdivision of a state, who owns or leases a commercial motor vehicle, or assigns a person to drive a commercial motor vehicle Replacement, 171 74C Commercial Drivers "Farm vehicle" includes a motor vehicle or combination vehicle registered to the farm owner or entity operating the farm and used exclusively in the transportation of agricultural or horticultural products, livestock, poultry and dairy products from the farm or orchard on which they are raised or produced to markets, processing plants, packing houses, canneries, railway shipping points and cold storage plants and in the transportation of agricultural or horticultural supplies and machinery to such farms or orchards to be used thereon. (WVaC 17C- 12-3) MOVING HEAVY EQUIPMENT ACROSS GRADE CROSSINGS. Minimum Charge: No bill shall be rendered for less than the following amounts, according to the size of the water meter installed. Any project for improvement of a structure to comply with existing state or local health, sanitary or safety code specifications which are solely necessary to assure safe living conditions, or B. (t) "Specified sexual activities" means and includes any of the following: (1) The fondling or other erotic touching of human genitals, pubic region, buttocks, anus, or female breasts; (2) Sex acts, normal or perverted, actual or simulated, including intercourse, oral copulation, or sodomy; (3) Masturbation, actual or simulated; or (4) Excretory functions as part of or in connection with any of the activities set forth in subsections (t)(l) through (3) hereof. House trailers, as used hereinabove, shall include both mobile and immobile units. members. (1) It is hereby deemed unlawful for any person to open or operate any business and/or occupy any structure within the town limits for the privilege of engaging in any, Fines in Traffic Cases VIOLATIONS OF CITY OF COLUMBUS ORDINANCES 2109.02 Disregard school boy patrol 55.00 2109.03 Resisting an enforcing officer 70.00 2109.06 Prohibited pedestrian on freeway 35.00 2109.06, Chapter 3.26 CAR RENTAL OCCUPATION TAX Sections: 3.26.010 Purpose. Whenever a particular section does not state that signs are required, such section shall be effective even though no signs are erected or in place. Be it enacted, 87-A DISTRICT DIVISION MOST COMMON TRAFFIC CIVIL INFRACTION VIOLATIONS Revised as of 04/2016 Misdemeanor violations may require a hearing date at which time fine and costs will be assessed. GOVPH. Refuse. Apartment buildings, hotels or motels. Where more than one house, dwelling, trailer or camper is connected to the same (common) meter, the bill rendered shall not be less than the minimum three-dollar ($3.00) charge, multiplied by the number of houses. A remittance for the amount of the tax due shall accompany each return. Excluding employees, appointments by the Mayor shall be made within ten days after the Mayor takes office or after a vacancy in an office or in membership occurs. 7.8 Qualifications of Mayor and Council. (2) A person seeking to redeem an impounded vehicle has a right to a hearing to contest the validity of the removal or the amount accrued for removal and storage at a hearing. Such agency shall be composed of the Mayor, the Building Inspector and one member at large, to be selected by and to serve at the will and pleasure of the Mayor. (WVaC 60-3A-24) PENALTY. ARTICLE 133 Boards and Commissions Generally CROSS REFERENCES Residency requirement - see CHTR. Permanent construction does not include land preparation, such as clearing, grading and filling; nor does it include the installation of streets and/or walkways; nor does it include excavation for a basement, footings, piers or foundations or the erection of temporary forms; nor does it include the installation on the property of accessory buildings, such as garages or sheds not occupied as dwelling units or not part of the main structure. An applicant, or permittee and/or licensee shall permit representatives of the Police Department, municipal, county and state health departments, Fire Department, or other City or State departments or agencies to inspect the premises of a sexually oriented business for the purpose of insuring compliance with the licensure/permitting and regulation provisions of this article, at any time it is occupied or open for business. The Alcohol Beverage Commissioner shall promulgate such rules or regulations as may be necessary to carry this subsection into effect; (0 For a person to violate any reasonable rule or regulation promulgated by the Alcohol Beverage Control Commissioner under West Virginia Code Article (g) Nothing in this article, nor any rule or regulation of the Commissioner, shall prevent or be deemed to prohibit any licensee from employing any person who is at least eighteen years of age to serve in any licensee's lawful employment, including the sale or delivery of wine under the provisions of this article. Rear-view mirror. 1. Art Licensing of Contractors. The Comparative Section Table is included to show the disposition of every ordinance included in the Codified Ordinances. Publication, ORDINANCE NO. 2.6 bond Chtr. (d) Whoever violates Section (d) shall be fined not more than one thousand dollars ($1,000) and shall be imprisoned not more than thirty days. References in the Codified Ordinances to action taken or authorized under designated sections of the Codified Ordinances include, in every case, action taken or authorized under the applicable legislative provision which is superseded by the Codified Ordinances. "Switchblade knife" means any knife having a spring-operated blade which opens automatically upon pressure being applied to a button, catch or other releasing device in its handle. (4) "Posted land" means that land upon which reasonably maintained signs are placed not more than 500 feet apart along and at each comer of the boundaries of the land upon which signs there appears prominently in letters of not less than two inches in height the words "no trespassing" and in addition thereto the name of the owner, lessee or occupant of the land. (0) "Start of construction" means the first placement of permanent construction of a structure on a site, such as the pouring of slab or footings, the installation of piles, the construction of columns, or any work beyond the stage of excavation; or the placement of a manufactured home on a foundation. (c) A vehicle from any other state, United States territory or foreign country displaying an officially issued special registration plate, placard or decal bearing the international symbol of access, shall be recognized and accepted as meeting the requirements of this section, regardless of where the plate, placard or decal is mounted or displayed on the vehicle. Art Commercial and Heavy Vehicles. When the total tax for which any person is liable under this Article does not exceed the sum of one hundred dollars in any year, the taxpayer may pay the same quarterly as aforesaid, or, with the consent in writing of the Clerk-Treasurer at the end of the month next following the close of the tax year. Sec. (WVaC 17C-1-33) PRIVATE ROAD OR DRIVEWAY; PRIVATE PROPERTY. All accounts shall be considered delinquent if not paid by the last day of each month for which the service is rendered. On all accounts not paid in full within twenty days of the billing date, ten percent (10%) shall be added to the net amount shown. The CAB0 One- and Two-Family Dwelling Code. In the event such drawer pays the amount of the check plus court costs to the municipal court within the ten day period no warrant shall issue. No person shall commit petit larceny as defined in West Virginia Code within the City. During the construction period, the Permit Officer or other authorized official may inspect the premises to determine that the work is progressing in compliance with the information provided on the permit application and with all applicable laws and ordinances. Drivers to exercise due care. However, written notice shall not be required if the date, time and place of a special meeting has been fixed at a regular meeting or if all members are in attendance at the special meeting. 17C-11A SHORT TITLE. Nothing in this subsection shall prohibit a person who is at least eighteen years of age from purchasing or possessing alcoholic liquor when he or she is acting upon the request of or under the direction and control of any member of a state, federal or local law-enforcement agency or the West Virginia Alcohol Beverage Administration while the agency is conducting an investigation or other activity relating to the enforcement of the alcohol beverage control statutes and the rules and regulations of the Commissioner Replacement, 229 GENERAL OFFENSES CODE 40 (b)"-' ' No person under the age of twenfr-oht years'shall; for the purpose of purchasing liquor from a retail licensee, misrepresent his or her age, or for such purpose present or offer any written evidence of age which is false, fraudulent or not actually his or her own, or illegally attempt to purchase liquor from a retail licensee. (Ord ) Replacement, 237 GENERAL OFFENSES CODE 46B ' MAINTENANCE OF PREMISES AND DISPOSITION OF,REFUSE;e,:, %: (a) No person, being the owner, lessee, occupant or person in charge of any lot or parcel of land situated within the City shall knowingly permit to remain thereon in any unsightly condition, a junk car or cars, a collection of rubbish or debris or any other material whatsoever which creates an unsightly condition which is or may be observed from adjoining public or private property; and refuse which originates on any premises within the City shall not be suffered by the owner, occupant or person in charge of the premises to accumulate in such manner or in such quantity so as to constitute a fire or safety hazard or a danger to health, or so as to become unsightly or otherwise give offense to persons in the neighborhood. (Ord ) HOLIDAYS OBSERVED; COURT PROCEEDINGS; OFFICIAL ACTS. Sanitary landfills shall not be permitted. - see GEN. OFF Littering from motor vehicle - see TRAF DEFINITIONS. For each fiscal year following June 30, 1988, the fee of one thousand dollars ($1,000) per fund shall come due and payable on July 1 of each fiscal year. Whenever any street or highway has been divided into two roadways by leaving an intervening space or by a physical barrier or clearly indicated dividing section so constructed as to impede vehicular traffic, every vehicle shall be driven only upon the right-hand roadway and no vehicle shall be driven over, across or within any such dividing space, barrier or section, except through an opening in such physical barrier or dividing section or space or at a crossover or intersection established by public authority. A separate application and permit shall be required for each sexually oriented (j) If the establishment is in operation (Section (0(5)) it may remain in operation during the pendency of its application for a permit and/or license under the provisions of this article, inclusive of any period(s) of judicial review of administrative action. Application forms shall be supplied by the Director. 2014-40 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING 2006-106 AS AMENDED CHAPTER 530 OF THE CODE OF THE ENTITLED PROPERTY, ABANDONED AND NUISANCE WHEREAS, recent events in the local and national housing market, AND DISPOSITION TABLE 1 Tax levy 24 Annual appropriation bill of 1949 2 ( not used) 3 Grants franchise to Idaho Power 25 Tax levy Company 26 Bond election 4 Village waterworks (Not codified) 27 Annual. This section applies wherever the school bus is receiving or discharging children, including, but not limited to, any street, highway, parking lot, private road or driveway: provided, that the driver of a vehicle upon a controlled access highway need not stop upon meeting or passing a school bus which is on a different roadway or adjacent to such highway and where pedestrians are not permitted to cross the roadway. (1) If a police officer reasonably believes that a minor is wandering about without destination or has remained in or upon a street or other public place in violation of subsection (c) hereof, the officer shall warn the minor that he is in violation of the curfew and request that the minor give his or her complete name and address and how to contact his or her custodian. Acting as lookout or guard for keeper of gambling apparatus. The following words when used in this Article 135 shall, for the purpose of this Article have the following meanings ascribed to them: (a) "System" means the sanitary sewage system utilized by the City of Kenova, or any additions, extensions and improvements thereto, and future additions, extensions and improvements thereto; (b) "Act" means Chapter 16, Article 13 of the West Virginia Code of 1931, as amended. This article shall be known and may be cited as the "Child Bicycle Safety Actn (Ord ) LEGISLATIVE FINDINGS AND PURPOSE. Certain USES BY PHYSICIANS, DRUGGISTS and OTHERS to the following: A. A11 other emergency vehicles, tow. ; 7 lights are restricted to the following information on the form: ( 1 ).! Vacancies ; chairperson ; salaries ; application of K-GOAL REFERENCES Residency requirement - see TRAF DEFINITIONS trailers... Or other body of water the use of Yellow flashing warning lights shall be known and city of kenova ordinances cited. 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