Thus we can explain the form and the polarity of the beginning of the SH and the P waves (Fig. San'kov V.. Jones A.G. 1905-07-09 09:40:39 UTC at 09:40 July 09, 1905 UTC Location: Epicenter at 49.709, 98.483 . To constrain the modelling of these earthquakes we used the detailed surface ruptures observations and their distribution between the two events. In conclusion, the nucleation must be near the junction of the Teregtiin and Bolnay faults, thus respecting a mainly eastward rupture propagation. Recorded seismicity in the BolnayTsetserleg region. Epicenter at 44.284, 85.572 The source duration was 115 s. The moment magnitude Mw varies between 8.3 and 8.5. We also tested rupture propagation to the west with the same segments. The last earthquake in Mongolia occurred 31 weeks ago: Strong mag. Other branch is called the Dngen fault, located to the north of the Bolnay rupture, near its centre, and close to the junction of Bolnay and Tsetserleg. King G.. Michelini A. The segments activated during the Bolnay earthquake are clearly visible on the satellite images, whereas those of the Tsetserleg event are more difficult to identify (Okal 1977). Usually it is restrained to the seismogenic layer. The horizontal component works as a reversed pendulum with a stationary mass of approximately 1000 kg. Their observations were completed by Aprodov (1960), Khil'ko et al. As 1Hz is a reasonable sampling for the digitization of low speed mechanical seismograph recordings and as we do not need higher frequencies, we sampled down the data to 1 second after applying a low pass filter (Butterworth with two poles) anti-aliasing at 2 s. The impact of the low pass filter is negligible for our study, as the record is made at teleseismic distances, and the natural period of our instruments is large, between 10 and 14 s. In order to fill the gaps at the minute marks, we applied a linear predictive filter (Press et al. North of Tsetserleg they found a strike-slip tensor with 1 horizontal, oriented NS. However, rockslides were reported in the nearby mountains, and supposedly "two lakes, each of eight acres in size, disappeared". This last case appears to be the most satisfactory to explain our data. The displacements are of the order of 3 1 m (Baljinnyam et al. Along the 80km stretch, between 97.18E and 98.33E, the fault zone is characterized by several meters width and the mean leftlateral 1905 offset is 8.90.6m with two measured cumulative offsets that are twice the 1905 slip. The parameters of the solutions for the Bolnay earthquake (1905 July 23). The P projection on the NSEW plane and the emergence angle, allowed us to deduce the P waveform. at 00:14 January 05, 1967 UTC, Location: Therefore, we only compared the synthetic to the recorded ones (direct problem). First, we introduced only the northern part of the Teregtiin rupture in the history of the source (Fig. The earthquake has been estimated at 7.9[3][4] to 8.3[1] on the moment magnitude scale. 12). Wesnousky S.G.. Villaseor A. 45.2 km from Epicenter at 51.639, 101.134 Latest earthquakes in Mongolia: list & interactive map Updated: Feb 7, 2023 15:20 GMT - 19 minutes ago refresh Felt a quake? Geologists have concluded that, in this poorly understood region, events like these appeared in cycles over geological time with recurrence rates of several thousands of years. The Teregtiin fault has such an orientation that allows for important SH radiation in European stations. The rupture of Himalaya was the first of several devastating 20th century the remaining half of the Himalayan Arc in future M = 8 earthquakes to occur in northern India. Epicenter at 47.264, 89.859 The time waveform is modelled by a set of triangular source elements (Nabelek 1984). Since 1900, Mongolia had 294 quakes up to magnitude 8.3. at 14:21 August 18, 1931 UTC, Location: The best total seismic moment, Mo = 7.27 0.40 1021 N m, is comparable to that estimated by Okal (1977)(Mo = 5.5 2.5 1021 N m). Within this procedure we considered the following criteria: (1) the signal must never go back in time; (2) upward time equal to downward time of signal and (3) The histogram of slope at 90 must be null. 47.2 km from The Tsetserleg earthquake (1905 July 9) is not as well known as the one of Bolnay (1905 July 23). (1985) and Baljinnyam et al. At its intersection with the Bolnay fault it becomes reverse right lateral on a fault dipping to the NE. Lake Baykal, Russia. 1993). lgiy Demjanovich MG, Borisov BA, Vashchilov YY (1995) Deformation and faulting at large earthquakes in Mongolia-Siberian region. It appears then necessary to introduce another rupture mechanism at the beginning of the earthquake. By doing this, we obtained good results on most parts of the signal (Fig. This adds an inclination to the previous deformations of the signal (Fig. In the case of P waves, we obtained the signal only at Uppsala. A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. These observations suggest that the displacement produced during the penultimate event was similar to the 1905 slip. Epicenter at 50.091, 87.765 Loncke L. This Mongolia-related article is a stub. However, the Kokoxili (L = 400 km), as the San Andreas earthquake of 1906 (Mw = 7.8, L = 430 km), has longer rupture than most of earthquakes with comparable magnitude (Bolnay, 1905 Mw = 8.3, L = 455 km, Erzincan 1939 Mw = 7.9, L = 350 km, Gobi Altay 1957 Mw = 7.8, L = 250 km) (Rivera et al. (23.2 miles), 2003-10-01 01:03:25 UTC The Teregtiin segment oriented N160, is characterized by a right lateral motion at the south west of the Bolnay fault. 4). In 1905 there were about a hundred seismic stations operating around the world (Wood 1921). These large values could be related to the straight geometry of the rupture, limiting the barriers and allowing then a propagation of the rupture over an important length. 1995), 3.4 105 in the case of Fu Yun earthquake (Chinese Altay, 1931 August 10) and 1.5 105 in the case of Kokoxili (Kunlun, 2001 November 14). You can help Wikipedia by expanding it. You could not be signed in. 1986; Scholz 2002). Mugur-Aksy Two other smaller segments were activated on 1905 July 23. We modelled first the Bolnay earthquake taking into account only the main fault, that is subvertical and oriented between N95 at the west and N90 to the east. Berryman K. (6.2 miles). The Dngen complex segment, a NS right lateral strike-slip of about 1.5 0.5 m, is at the junction between the ruptures of the July 9 and 23 earthquakes (Baljinnyam et al. Calais E. 2). Schlupp A. E-mail: Search for other works by this author on: Magnitudes of large shallow earthquakes from 1904 to 1980, One century of seismicity in mongolia (19002000), Seismotectonic observations in the region of the north Hangay earthquake of 1905 (MPR) (in Russian), in Questions of seismotectonics of pre-Bakal and adjacent territories, Un problme inverse en microtectonique cassante, Ruptures of Major Earthquakes and Active Deformation in Mongolia and its Surroundings, Seismic images of continental lithosphere, Studying earthquake ground motion in Prague from Wiechert seismograph records, GPS measurements of crustal deformation in the Baikal-Mongolia area (19942002): Implications for current kinematics of Asia, A brief update on the focal depths of intracontinental earthquakes and their correlations with heat flow and tectonic age, Focal depths of intracontinental and intraplate earthquakes and their implications for the thermal and mechanical properties of the lithosphere, Digitization noise and accelerograph pen offset associated with Japanese accelerograms, A reappraisal of the 1950 (Mw 6.9) Mondy earthquake, Siberia, and its relationship to the strain pattern at the south-western end of the Baikal rift zone, Evidence for a seismogenic upper mantle and lower crust in the Baikal Rift, Depth distribution of earthquakes in the Baikal rift system and its implications for the rheology of the lithosphere, Multidisciplinary projects to look back on the roots of seismology, Actes de les V Trobades d'Historia de la Cincia de la Tcnica, Comment on The July 9 and 23, 1905, Mongolian earthquakes: a surface wave investigation by Emile Okal, Electromagnetic constraints on strike-slip geometryThe Fraser River fault system, Earthquakes and the Bases of the Seismic Zoning of Mongolia, The Joint SovietMongolian Scientific Reasearch Geological Expedition. Antoine Schlupp, Armando Cisternas, Source history of the 1905 great Mongolian earthquakes (Tsetserleg, Bolnay), Geophysical Journal International, Volume 169, Issue 3, June 2007, Pages 11151131, We cannot reject the possibility that the rupture propagates down through the whole crust (50 5 km), or even through a part of the lithosphere, which is about 100 km thick in this region (Villaseor et al. Solonenko A.V.. Dverchre J. The Strasbourg station was on thick sediments, and the recorded S waves were very low in amplitude and very noisy. 1985; Baljinnyam et al. On one hand, we obtained the orientation of the main stress 1 at N30 using striations on the fault planes of the Bogd earthquake (Mw = 8.1 the 1957 December 4 associated to 250 km of surface rupture, with a main left lateral component, along the Gobi-Altay range; fig. For the Bolnay earthquake, the seismic moment vary from 3.97 (0.47) 1021 to 7.27 (0.40) 1021 N m functions of the model considered. This catastrophic event in 1905 was an exception. This appears to be the minimum depth of the rupture on Bolnay fault. The rupture propagated, on the one hand, to the east along the central segment and continued, farther than the mapped rupture, along the Tsanagulst fault (left lateral strike-slip). Khovd This work has been possible thanks to the archives of the world wide seismic stations. In parallel, paleoseismological investigations show evidence for two earthquakes prior to the 1905 event with recurrence intervals of ~2700-4000 years. Saryg-Sep The 375-km-long surface rupture of the left-lateral, strike-slip, N095E trending Bulnay Fault associated with this earthquake is remarkable for its strong . . The fault displacement during the earthquake was greater than 6 m,[5] and possibly as much as 11 m,[2] and the duration is estimated at about two minutes. We verified the consistency between the reliefs, the fault dip observed at surface, the main horizontal stress, and the GPS field (Calais et al. Diament M. Therefore, we correct the data for all the deformations for different trial values of b, and then we choose the best b value (lowest error). Epicenter at 51.607, 104.158 1991, 2001; Bayasgalan 1999). It was discovered only in 1958 by V. A. Aprodov & O. Namnandorg (Aprodov 1960) and studied in detail by Khil'ko et al. In particular they saw that what had happened in the GobiAltai earthquake, namely the simultaneous rupturing of two major faults, were to happen in California, it would be worse than anything that had yet hit that state. (6.2 miles), 1974-07-04 19:30:42 UTC Epicenter at 47.7, 92.579 at 18:44 April 04, 1950 UTC, Location: Particular thanks are due to the staff of Jena, Gttingen, Uppsala and Strasbourg stations. Spakman W. Show quakes near me! Van der Woerd J. The Teregtiin segment must break first since numerous tests, placing it later in the history of the source, do not explain the beginning of SH and P waves. (48.2 miles), 1922-08-25 19:29:45 UTC 2002). Indeed, this criterion produces artificial symmetry and is even more doubtful for surface waves, because it perturbs the dispersion. Finally, the last solution, with the nucleation at 43 km depth and a rupture propagating down to 70 km, appears to be the most satisfactory. We obtained an oblique displacement of 3.2 1.1 m after Khil'ko et al. Y1 - 1977/3. 2005). (a) Source function of the Bolnay earthquake. The particle motion of the P wave is polarized along the direction of the path of the wave. 13 shows the recorded seismicity from 1964 up to 2000 (Adiya et al. to constrain them. left cracks distinctly expressed in the relief of the . The 11 January 2021 M w 6.7 Hovsgol, Mongolia, earthquake is the largest event that has occurred in the Hovsgol graben, which is noted for being the northernmost convergence region of the India-Eurasia collision and the youngest extension region of the Baikal rift. The strongest earthquake in Mongolia since 1900 occurred 118 years ago: Major magnitude 8.3 earthquake - 182 km north of Oulia-Sontai, Dzavhan Aymag, Mongolia, on Sunday, July 23, 1905 at 02:46 GMT. For the inversion, we will use the P, SV and SH components of the signal which could be obtained by rotating the NSEW traces and the Z component. Therefore, even though the timing mechanism is common for the two components, the beginning of their minute marks may be different. Barmin M.P. In 1905, two M ~ 8 continental strike-slip earthquakes occurred along the Bulnay fault system, in the northwestern part of Mongolia. The amplification adjustment is mechanical, uses connecting rod and lever, and it is separated for each component. 195.2 km from The Jena and Gttingen stations being very close, the recorded waveforms are very similar. Voznesenskii & Dorogostaiskii (1914), Voznesenskii (1962) and Khil'ko et al. However, the seismic moment of Kokoxili is about 1021 N m (with 400 km active fault and slip of about 6 m) when the main segment of Bolnay is at minimum 3.3 1021 N m (with 375 km active fault and slip of about 10 m). The rupture was bilateral along the main fault: 100 km to the west and 275 km to east. The ratio between these two events shows that the lowest solution explaining the body waveform of Bolnay is related to at least a depth of the rupture two times greater than Kokoxili. (53.2 miles), 1931-11-05 12:19:35 UTC The seismic moment released by the July 23 earthquake is four to seven times greater than that of the 1905 July 9 earthquake. Tocheport A. 1920-12-16 12:05:55 UTC Boschi E.. Petit C. The stress 1 varies from N30, at the south, with a form factor R = 0.5 (triaxial compression with 1 vertical), to NS, at the north, with a form factor R = 0 (uniaxial compression). (86.2 miles), 1933-02-13 02:49:16 UTC 2001; Petit et al. In the case of Tsetserleg, the angle is about 75. We could explain the strong amplitude on the SV and the rather small ones on the SH and P components. at 01:35 August 27, 2008 UTC, Location: Considering the amplitudes being analysed, these uncertainties are negligible. A left lateral movement characterizes its northeastern part with a reverse component dipping to the northwest. 140.2 km from This strategy is important as the result of the inversion depend strongly on the initial value of the parameters. The best fit is obtained if it starts 17 s after the nucleation. A large number of rocks rolled down from the 12,000 feet high surrounding mountains, trees were uprooted, and two lakes, each of eight acres in size, disappeared. Altay This Mongolia-related article is a stub. Altai This allows us to verify the quality of the different corrections and rotations previously done on the data, as shown in Fig. The 1905 M8 Tsetserleg-Bulnay earthquake sequence, which occurred 14 days apart in Mongolia, constitutes one of the major continental strike-slip earthquake sequence ever documented. Bulgan The polarization of S waves at the Gttingen station changes from NW, at the beginning of the signal, to NE at the end, thus suggesting two different mechanisms. at 12:05 December 16, 1920 UTC, Location: 10.2 km from The magnitude Mw is between 8.34 0.04 and 8.51 0.02. The 1905 Bolnai earthquake occurred in or near the Asgat Sum of Zavkhan Province in Mongolia on 23 July. 86.2 km from Epicenter at 43.099, 104.521 Houdry-Lmont F. There are few records of the immediate effects of the earthquake due to the remoteness of Mongolia in 1905. Other arrivals during this period (PKiKP/pPKiKP/sPKiKP) have almost vertical emergence angles, and are quite invisible on the two horizontal components. Gileva N. The Bolnay earthquake, 14 days later, starts at the intersection between the main fault (left lateral strike-slip) and the Teregtiin fault (right lateral strike-slip). Near the intersection with the Bolnay fault, the movement becomes purely strike-slip. at 15:21 December 27, 2011 UTC, Location: Moreover, the two needles are lifted each minute during a few seconds. Here, using sub-metric optical satellite images . This implies a difference of less than 5 s between the length of P- and S-wave signals, too short to be observed with certainty. All of the information we now have about the 1905 event came from one Russian seismologist who traveled to the area of the earthquake at his own expense, in 1905, and by primitive means of transportation. Nevertheless, we cannot explain the amplitude or the SH polarity (Fig. Kungurtug We have 2.6 105 in the case of the Bolnay and Gobi-Altay earthquakes (Mongolia, 4 December 1957, Ritz et al. We obtained a few thousands points for about 200 s of signal. 77.2 km from Miroshnitchenko A. In this paper, we will invert body waves using the available 1905 seismograms. (43.2 miles), 1960-12-03 04:24:18 UTC It implies about 2.4 m of displacement on the central segment and 2.6 m on the southwestern segment, in agreement with the 2.3 m considered by Baljinnyam et al. The nucleation of the Tsetserleg earthquake is, for our favoured but not unique solution, at the western extremity of the central segment oriented N60 and characterized by left lateral strike-slip with reverse component. We saw before that the nucleation should be near the western part of the fault. DeLaurier J.M. It was one of the very few for which detailed data was available. Aktash An official website of the United States government. San'kov V. The depth of the rupture was always free. The earthquake has been estimated at 7.9 to 8.3 on the moment magnitude scale. The 30 s delay between nucleation and the beginning of the added rupture, is in agreement with the change of the polarization of the S wave (Fig. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); At this moment, there are still a few COVID-19 variants, Have you ever considered that there were even more dangerous, Are Covid Vaccinations really THAT Safe? Nucleation must be near the junction of the inversion depend strongly on the SV and the P waveform distinctly... Northern part of the path of the wave as a reversed pendulum with reverse. Location: 10.2 km from the Jena and Gttingen stations being very close, the two components! Stations operating around the world ( Wood 1921 ) at 15:21 December 27, 2011 UTC Location... 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