Starting, 1:23:08, Viper says Maverick's father was hit, he managed to save three planes before his father was killed. What's on your mind? However, upon returning, Iceman elects to do a single engine high speed flyby with Maverick. In the very next shot, he has no cigarette, and both of his hands are clasped together just under his knee. This occurs at 12:51. The second strafing must have restarted the turned off engine. When Maverick steps into the elevator, a crew member can be seen reflected on the picture frame on the wall behind him. Hollywood's plane is in front of Maverick's but when Maverick breaks away to go after Viper, it is the F-14 in front that pulls away. Real Navy/Marine Corps pilots break this rule all the time as well. Maverick argues that, ""We weren't below the hard deck for more than a few seconds. Stinger with the rank of Commander, appears to be in charge of everything throughout -- he asks the controller which pilots are on duty, instructs the Alert 5 aircraft to launch, ask for more pilots to join the dogfight. Maverick's entire character arc is built around him becoming a better person by letting go of his ego, and later on, he must also let go of his guilt and fear in order to achieve his mission. During the "choice of assignments scene", after the final dogfight, the "late" Goose's name is seen on the red locker door. Throwing Goose's dog tags into the ocean signifies that Maverick wants to move on with his life, and it's his way of letting go of the guilt he felt over his friend's death. Viper One ofTop Gun's biggest recurring themes is one of letting go and moving on. Keep sending him up. American Viper (Can be Gender Flipped, but usually is the father.) Top Guntells the story of the titularU.S. Navy's Fighter Weapons School at Naval Air Station Miramar in San Diego, California. The peanut disappears and reappears between shots. This, in addition to any ground targets within range of the appropriate weapons, had the F-14's been equipped with The AIM-7M Sparrow, for example, developed in 1982 which the F-14 carried, has an effective range of up to 31 miles. When Cougar is freaking out, he looks twice at his family photo. If he'd died she would still have a mother. WebMaverick was 57 in the TGM and the movie was supposed to be released in 2019. The Exocet missile is large enough to be visible if it were carried. When Maverick is launching from the carrier before the final battle, he goes directly into a roll when leaving ship. : | : The background story of Maverick's father was revealed by Viper who flew with him during the Vietnam War. In subsequent shots, he's apparently been demoted back to lieutenant junior grade. Once the approach controller tells the approaching aircraft to "call the ball," Maverick's reply, for example, should have been "Ghostrider 203, Tomcat Ball, 1 Point 1." When Maverick tosses Goose's dog tags overboard, you can clearly make out the name "Mike Metcalf" on one of the tags, which is Viper's real name, not Goose's, which would be Nick Bradshaw. Originally thought to have been a deserter, Viper tells Maverick that he in fact saved three other planes in combat before dying himself. WebMaverick: So you were there? In the stairwell, Iceman puts on a watch twice. In the scene on the carrier after the last dogfight, Ice gets in Maverick's face and they discuss being each others wingman. Viper's sunglasses after Maverick's first landing after the accident. Every F-5 that appears in this movie, however, is standing in as a MiG. Then the far shot shows Slider getting up from the same spot where he was sitting. (Some thought he was wearing full lieutenant insignia; they are similar.). There was no danger. First it would not have the speed to perform that stunt. Now Viper knows what it takes to be an A-list fighter pilot, and he knows just which buttons to push, especially when it comes to Maverick. Maverick's declaration of "I'm not leaving my wingman" may seem odd to some viewers, as the wingman's job is to follow the lead pilot. That spin was hell, it would've shook me up. But he is flying straight and level. Maverick's sunglasses are (not) on when Slider picks him up after they return to the carrier. Is that clear? He can't get back in the saddle, won't engage. when he got there and in case he didn't he tells him to that he would fly with him. The Oriskany was a WWII Essex Class carrier modernized to operate jets. He tells Maverick that he has acquired enough points to graduate with his Top Gun class. The shot of the inverted F-14 cockpit (close to the cockpit of the MiG-28) is flipped (lettering is reversed). Third, is a Multinational Force and Observers Medal. He shares some classified information with the young recruit, telling Maverick that his father died a hero. Viper He's your typical, no nonsense, high-ranking naval aviator. The F-14 fighter jets used in most of the movie flight scenes are a solid dark gray all around. He admires Maverick's confidence, even if he knows it needs to be harnessed and integrated with the other pilots. Let's go home, Viper has the lead. Maverick helps Cougar safely land his plane after disobeying orders to land his plane, and Cougar later turns in his wings, unwilling to go to his grave without actually meeting his own newborn child. When Charlie chases down Maverick on his motorcycle her car has a blue DOD decal on its windshield. His pilot's wings are for a USAF Senior pilot, not a Naval Aviator's wings. If Maverick's father passed away in 1965 while flying an F-4, then he presumably fought during the early stages of the Vietnam War. 1 Mar. The bird cage at Charlie's place disappears from behind her when 'Dock of the Bay' starts playing. : When the first images of the MIG are shown after the "unknown aircraft, inbound Mustang" call the camera angle initially is from underneath and then raises to a side-on profile of the aircraft. In the elevator, Charlie's ear alternates between being tucked under her cap and being untucked between shots. We weren't below 10,000 for more than a few seconds. Goose questions Slider, "Slider, thought you wanted to be a pilot, man - what happened?" : Or a Ticonderoga Class class cruiser would control the fighters. He pressures Iceman to break off so he can take the shot, but Maverick flies through Iceman's jet wash, causing his fighter's engines to fail. However, when he is sat having lunch with her it is clearly much earlier in the day (indicative of it being lighter and the sun casting shorter shadows). There'd be no disgrace. Exactly where Hop 31 takes place is totally inconsistent. This is noticeable above and behind Maverick on the upper left side of the canopy. STANDS4 LLC, 2023. Viper has a high opinion of Mavericks father and also of Maverick. He'd have a regular "intel" camera, and if he didn't get good photos of an airplane that nobody had ever been that close to before (as Goose says) then he would have failed in his part of the mission, big time. The vertical speed indicator shows Cougar's F-14 descending at 6,000 feet per minute, which would be an aggressive dive. His F-4 was hit, and he was wounded, but he could've made it back. His sunglasses are already on. Career information The bogeys were like fireflies all over the sky line reminded of the coffin-corner SAM scene from Maverick. I had the shot, there was no danger, so I took it. : 1986 minus 33 means Maverick was born in 1953, which means Duke and his wife last got dirty as early as 1952, which was when the Oriskany was supporting the war in Korea. : He's in a flat spin and headed out to sea." That way, the LSO knows how to properly sort the approaching aircraft by amount of fuel remaining, should the aircraft miss the wires, and be forced to make another landing attempt, divert to a land base, or join on the tanker for more fuel. Deceased Numerous positional inconsistencies during the volleyball game. Maverick and Goose wear random patches on their flight suits which is incorrect in reality. Also, during the final dogfight scene, the tags carry yet another name on them. [after the dogfight with Viper] United States Navy Top Gun rules of engagement are written for your safety and for that of your team. Every so often something comes along to challenge your expectations of what to expect from a particular form of entertainment. Viper They are armed with Aim-9 Sidewinder air-to-air missiles and fuel tanks. Viper When you see him in the background of Maverick footage, and on the ground, he is wearing the same helmet, but without the writing on it. : Iceman and Hollywood are confronted by a squadron of six MiGs. Charlie is talking nonsensical facts when stating first, "The F-5 doesn't have the thrust-to-weight ratio that the MiG-28 has." You'll pick up your RIO when you get to the ship, and if you don't, give me a call. In several scenes of planes taking off, mirrored images are used. The 3 o'clock direction is to the right; 9 o'clock would be the left. In the very opening scene when the planes are landing on the carrier with the song 'Danger Zone' playing in the background you see an F-14 Tomcat with a red & white wing and the # on that jet is 515. His death at the end of the film's second act makes Goose one ofTop Gun's most important characters, and Maverick can be seen holding his dog tags in the film's final scenes. The altimeter reads 31,500 ft the first time, and *9,300 ft (the first number obscured) a second later. Charlie gains her folder when she exits the ladies room. That makes no sense as a pilot would have no control over a ballistic airplane. Anybody with a name like Viper must be one bad dude. Black Viper For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. Okay, knock it off, gentlemen. They are not. Two, the fact that the pilot sees the Ball, so that the LSO can take over control, and guide the crew down to a safe landing. All through Top Gun, RIOs like Goose, Slider, Wolfman and others just look at the radar and talk to their respective pilots. Gentlemen You had a hell of a first day. Connections The RIO or an E-2C controller would be in a better position to state what is happening. Viper tells Maverick that Viper served with Duke while both were assigned with VF-51 aboard the USS Oriskany. While Jester praises Maverick's flying, he tells him that he must never leave his wingman. : Viper tells him about his father (which could get Viper in a lot of trouble as what he tells him is classified), and he knows that this is what Maverick needs to hear. After going from a rebellious prodigy to a genuine hero, Maverick possesses both the talent and the experience to inspire young pilots, meaning that his career shift actually makes perfect sense. 1986 action dramaTop Gunsecureda lasting legacy among the greatest blockbusters of the '80s, with Cruise's turn as Maverick remaining one of the actor's most iconic roles to date. Interestingly, these latter two feed almost directly intoTop Gun's pro-military ideology, causing many to believe the film to be little more than propaganda. There will be no engagements below that." | : Either obey them, or you're history. Goose There would also be a Deputy Commander Air Wing, also a Captain, senior to Stinger. Many errors are made when describing maneuvers that various aircraft have made. Niall is also a certified boxing coach, which goes hand-in-hand with his encyclopedic knowledge of the Rocky franchise, and considers himself something of an expert on Batman. There'd be no disgrace. That would be unwise as at that high altitude, oxygen within the canopy would be low. See at 33:34. Besides the defensive capabilities of the F-14 aircraft being represented by the lack of the use of flares and chaff to deceive enemy missiles, the offensive capabilities of the F-14's are misrepresented as well, presumably to mislead any hostile governments at the time. Viper: Simple. : American VF-51 never served aboard the Oriskany, and they flew F-8 Crusaders in 1965, the year Maverick's father was shot down. When Maverick is riding his motorcycle along the runway, you can see the tie-down straps that hold him onto the trailer, visible on his front fender. During most flight sequences, safety pins and star wheels on left top head box of Martin Baker GRU-7A ejection seat are installed. : The real flight school has never had that trophy or anything like it, as the training is designed to encourage cooperation amongst the pilots. This happens at 10:12. While it is more common to wear a t-shirt under the flight suit, in the 1980's up until the early 2000's, crews did have the option to wear a golf shirt with their squadron colors under their flight suits. At the end, the rescue helicopter arrives on the aircraft carrier just moments after the jets with Hollywood - meaning the rescue copter got to the scene, made the rescue and came back in the same amount of time as the jets which were already there - impossible. During the final dogfight, Iceman switches to missiles when he engages the MIG, then as he locks onto the MIG he switches to missiles again then fires. : Viper However, it's later revealed This signal is given early in F-14 launch procedures, not right before launch. In the final engagement when Maverick says he is "supersonic," the next shot shows his F-14 with the wings in the extended position. I had Commander Heatherly in my sights, he saw me move in for the kill. As Cougar is seen "handing in his wings," the chances are that he never flew for the Navy again. WebViper reveals that he had served with his father. Blue decals are used for officers, red decals for enlisted. In the training Hops, both Merlin and a blue-helmeted pilot can be seen in Maverick's RIO seat. When Maverick is sitting on his motorcycle watching an F-14 land, the tailhook is in the down position. Paramount Pictures. In the first engagement between Maverick and Jester, right after Maverick hits the air brakes and gets behind Jester, Jester goes vertical and Maverick chases. His exact words are the same that Viper shared with him 36 years earlier when Goose was lost. At the beginning of the movie flying over the Indian Ocean, they are harassed by 2 enemy fighters. Through most of the first class at Top Gun, Slider has his arm behind Iceman, but right before he says, "The plaque for the alternates is down in the ladies room," Slider suddenly disappears. See 1:26:50. Position of the wine bottle at Charlie's place. He finds out that Viper flew with his father. What I'm about to tell you is classified. After Maverick helps Cougar land, the latter admits that he lost his nerve and hands in his wings, resulting in Maverick being the only qualified candidate to attend the TOPGUN program. TOPGUN graduates or naval aviators on any course do not immediately receive new orders as a group or individually at the end of the course. Maverick: He was my R.I.O., my responsibility. Profession Jester In reality, an AWACs such as an E-2C would be first guiding the F-14s towards their targets, allowing the F-14s to use passive intercept. | On the 31st Hop, Maverick and Iceman, now competing directly for the TOPGUN Trophy, pursue an A-4 in a dogfight, but Maverick sees that Iceman is intentionally stalling to score more points. Viper Status : See 1:06:56. All yours. WebAfterward, he visits Viper at his house and Viper tells him about his father and how he flew with his father in Vietnam. Viper: You fly jets long enough, something like this happens. Generally indicates that There'll be no disgrace. Alive Also, the catapult Maverick supposedly launched from is "stacked" with parked aircraft. VF-51 and the other fighters in Oriskanys air wing flew F-8 Crusaders. [pauses] Viper: My squadron we lost 8 of 18 aircraft. He's got missile lock. Case I departure is when a fighter clears the catapult and a positive rate of climb is One of Maverick's key decisions in Top Gun's climactic scenes regards Iceman, his former rival and new wingman following the death of Goose. At that altitude, such a configuration would not assist the turn. Maverick's watch shows the same in multiple scenes set at different times of day. Before and during the "You've Lost That Lovin' Feelin'" scene at the bar where Maverick and Goose (et al) serenade Charlie, Maverick's nametag clearly reads "Peter Mitchell," with an "r." Afterwards, when he follows Charlie into the women's room, you can now clearly see his nametag reads "Pete Mitchell," sans the "r.". He is forced to take closer stock of himself, and after Goose's tragic death, he seems to have lost both his confidence and his edge. Maverick shoots a Sparrow missile in the rear quarter at short range, which wouldn't work because the AIM-7 Sparrow needs a lot of closure to guide. Once he lands he exits an F-14 with 114 on the nose while Iceman exits an F-14 with 114 on the nose. As they intercept the "bogeys" it is high noon. Maverick and Iceman return as heroes, and Maverick throws Goose's dog tags into the ocean, beginning to move on from his best friend's death. During the flat spin sequence, Maverick tells Goose to perform the ejection because he is pinned down by the force of the spin and "can't reach the ejection handle". In reality, the F-14 should taxi away to allow other approaching aircraft to land. Additionally, the second verse is missing when Charlie plays the song on the jukebox at the end of the film. Charlie also objects to Maverick's tactics, but later admits to admiring his flying, omitting it from her reports to conceal her true feelings for Maverick. When Cougar is in missile lock from the Mig, he calls in "Mustang this is ghost rider 117". WebHe remains loyal to Maverick, however, and sees Maverick's potential to grow. Viper : Yeah, he did it right Is that why you fly the way you do? Why would there be? : Iceman and Slider wear patches and insignia from then Attack Squadron 25 (VA-25) now Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA-25) the "Fist of the Fleet." While on a date with Charlotte Blackwood at her home during a date. Starting 39:26. That lets everyone know several important pieces of information. Yes, sir. Filming & Production Victims rescued by the Coast Guard are always hoisted in a basket, never by the safety harness alone; thus, hoisting Goose from the water as they did is a violation of the proper rescue procedures. : The second, is the Coast Guard Arctic Service Medal. Top Gun may have beeninspired by thereal Naval Air Station Miramar and its pilots, but its story depicted in the movie is fictional. If you look closely to the left and rear of Charlie's car after she stops there is a set of skid marks already on the pavement from the first time they did this scene. It seems highly unlikely that every man in the room would make the same exact singing error. He's the head honcho at Top Gun, and he was the first guy to win the coveted Top Gun trophy. I'm all right. That is not usually done. When Maverick is riding his motorcycle alongside the runway, after the F-14 takes off and turns to the left the shot changes and shows Maverick riding past lighting standards heading toward the runway as indicated by the strobe lights. : Aircraft carriers are constantly moving, and therefore would never be designated as "bullseye". Commander (O-5) His fate is important, as it shows what Maverick could become if he allows fear and loss to affect him - something which comes into play more than once inTop Gun. No problem. Viper: You fly jets long enough, something like this happens. Company Credits Biographical information Stockdale was shot down in 1965 and spent the rest of the war as a POW. Maverick: He was my R.I.O., my responsibility. While talking to Maverick, Nick "Goose" Bradshaw indicates that because of the circumstances surrounding Duke's death in Vietnam, Maverick was denied admission to the U.S. Wolfman Both Maverick and Cougar are low on fuel and the latter has PTSD. : WebMaverick visits Viper (who flew with Maverick's father in Vietnam), and Viper tells him the truth about his fatherand that he can graduate with his Top Gun class if he wants. A good pilot is compelled to evaluate what's happened, so he can apply what he's learned.
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