you should, if you fraudulently obtain or use a parking placard or license plate, your illegally parked vehicle can be towed and the permit confiscated. Follow these guidelines for driving at night: Wild and domestic animals may move unpredictably towards or across the travel path of an approaching motor vehicle. Ahead, a vehicle in the lane beside you has stopped in front of the crosswalk, but you do not see any pedestrians. A. Instead. Watch the vehicle ahead pass some fixed point an overpass, sign, fence corner, or other marker. At the start of the ramp you should begin checking for an opening in traffic and start signaling. Move the vehicle so all four wheels are off the pavement. if a vehicle ahead of you signals to change lanes you should. It is better to drive off the road than skid off when avoiding a crash. Signaling to change lanes to the right or make a right turn. Actually, vehicles already on the highway have the right of way and merging drivers should yield if highway traffic doesnt allow for merging. Pedestrians, hitchhikers, bicycles, animal-drawn vehicles or motor-driven cycles and motor scooters with 150 cubic centimeter displacement or less are not allowed on expressways. Pump the brakes gently if you are about to hit something. An odorless, colorless, toxic gas calls for the turning vehicles to yield to straight-moving traffic. If you see red reflectors facing you on the lane lines, you are on the wrong side of the road. A common concern, especially at intersections, is who has the right of way when making a left turn? At any speed, you can use the two-second rule to see if you are far enough behind the car in front of you: The two-second rule applies to any speed in good weather and road conditions. To avoid being fined or involved in a crash, obey the speed limits.Speed is very important in a collision. Defensive driving means doing all you can to prevent crashes. For these reasons, expressways can give you a fast, safe way to get where you need to go. Try to adjust your speed so that you can move into the traffic when you reach the end of the acceleration lane. Haydn's opus 33 string quartets were first performed for At an intersection where one driver wants to make a left turn while a driver on the other side plans to right turn into the same lane, who should go first? The. Any taxi that is signaling to pull away from the curb.C. 6 2/3 It is best not to drive in fog or smoke. Move to the right side of your lane and brake as hard as needed to avoid a crash. In any event, do not speed up while the truck is passing. You may have only a fraction of a second to make the right move. The road is slippery, and the vehicle in front of you starts to skid sideways. (function (a, c, s, u){'Insticator'in a || (a.Insticator={ad:{loadAd: function (b){}, q: []}, helper:{}, embed:{}, version: "4.0", q: [], load: function (t, o){Insticator.q.push({t: t, o: o})}}); var b=c.createElement(s); b.src=u; b.async=!0; var d=c.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; d.parentNode.insertBefore(b, d)})(window, document, 'script', '//'). If you are stopped by a law enforcement officer, pull off immediately to the extreme right, clear of traffic when possible. A: You do not have to stop at the crosswalk unless the yellow lights on the crossing signal are flashing. Added 8/6/2021 1:24:04 PM = 15 * 3/20 As a defensive driver, you will "give" a little. Be very careful when approaching any intersection or driveway. Never apply water to a gasoline or diesel fire. Some passing clouds. Who has the right of way at a four way stop, who has the right of way at a two way stop. Do your part to make every crossing a safe crossing. Allow them to turn or pass before proceeding. It does not suck them together. They kicked him about 50 times in the head and chest with steel-toed boots. = 15 * 3/20 Drive with the flow of traffic (within the speed limit). The center lane of a three-lane or five-lane highway is used only for turning left. -is what's meant by the phrase "The domesticated generations fell Weegy: A suffix is added to the end of a word to alter its meaning. The Internet is a network, the World Wide Web is what it is 15. You are driving in a municipal area. Study the diagram provided. You are driving in a municipal area and have turned onto the entrance ramp for an expressway; At the start of the ramp you should begin checking for an opening in traffic, and start signaling for your turn. Remain calm. When driving on interstate highways or other highways with two or more lanes traveling in the direction of the emergency vehicle, and except when otherwise directed by a law enforcement officer, drivers approaching a law enforcement or other authorized emergency vehicle parked on a roadway with their emergency lights activated, will be required to leave the lane closest to the emergency vehicle, as soon as it is safe to do so. By curbs painted yellow or where "No Parking" signs are posted. On a hot summer day, the interior of a car can get dangerously hot. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like you are driving in a municipal area. However, do you have the right of way when you enter a highway? When driving at night with other traffic, you should not look directly at oncoming headlights. User: Alcohol in excess of ___ proof Weegy: Buck is losing his civilized characteristics. On an upgrade, a truck often loses speed, so it is easier to pass than a car. Drivers both on the highway and merging onto it are expected to exercise road etiquette and allow for easy and safe merging. Never make a three-point turn or a U-turn on a curve, a hill, or when a sign indicates that making a u-turn is prohibited. When parking on a public road, move as far away from traffic as possible. All expressway entrances have three basic parts: an entrance ramp, an acceleration lane, and a merging area. The forward markers represent the approximate CENTER of the parking space. You are driving in a municipal area and have turned onto the entrance ramp for an expressway; When approaching a railroad crossing without mechanical gates or lights you should: Always come to a complete stop. You should, Stay well back from the truck and let the truck driver complete their maneuver. Any person certified by a physician as having a medical condition that causes the seat belt use to be inappropriate or dangerous. An open intersection is one without traffic control signs or signals. While driving in a municipal area and have turned onto the entrance ramp for an expressway the one should at the start of the ramp check for opening in the traffic and start signaling for their turn. Look quickly to be sure of the other vehicle's position every few seconds. answered expert verified You are driving in a municipal area and have turned onto the entrance ramp for an expressway; A: You should signal for merging only when you start to merge. After parallel parking, check for cyclists before opening the driver's side door. Rear end collisions are the greatest danger on expressways. When driving after a heavy rain, you drive through some deep water. Driving while adjusting the radio or changing CDs/tapes. Raise your hood and tie a white cloth to your antenna or left door handle to show you need help. Learn more about good driving and bad driving here: This site is using cookies under cookie policy . Violation of this law is considered a moving violation and is subject to a mandatory hearing. Hitting a row of bushes is better than hitting a tree, post or solid object. If you must change lanes, look behind and to both sides to see where other vehicles are located before making your turn. You cannot always count on other drivers moving over to give you room to enter, but do not stop on an acceleration lane unless traffic is too heavy and there is no space for you to enter safely. To keep a safe space cushion you should increase the distance between your vehicle and the. 6 2/3 Steer for the side of the road or the ditch. These drivers incur driving points typically starting at two points and increase based on the severity of the incident. 20/3 dtdx1=0.2x1+0.4x2dtdx2=0.2x10.4x2. If you go past your exit, you must go to the next one. The Internet is a network, the World Wide Web is what it is 15. Double the following distance you use when you are not towing a trailer. A common concern, especially at intersections, is, who has the right of way when making a left turn, who has the right of way when turning left at an intersection with lights, At an intersection where one driver wants to make a left turn while a driver on the other side plans to right turn into the same lane, who should go first? Haydn's opus 33 string quartets were first performed for Pay $150 for a first offense and show proof og current insurance to get them back. On the entrance ramp, begin checking for an opening in traffic. Don't use high-beam headlights within 500 feet of oncoming vehicles. Drive with the flow of traffic (within the speed limit). You cannot see as far ahead or to the side, and glare from oncoming cars can reduce your vision even more. This means the bridge ahead is wide enough for only one vehicle at a time: A yellow diamond saying "One lane bridge". On the hard surface of a highway where parking spaces are not marked. When driving, you must make sure that nothing interferes with your ability to see the road, react to situations or operate your vehicle properly. The only exception is usually a green arrow signal. Speed up or drop back so the other driver can see you. Hitting a vehicle moving in the same direction as you are is better than hitting a vehicle head-on. If you're driving on an Interstate (freeway) and a car is attempting to merge into your lane, you should: If possible, safely make room for the merging vehicles. You should yield the right-of-way to any public transit bus that is signaling to enter your lane from a pullout bay. Then you must back up or turn around. You must also use these lights during any rain, smoke or fog. For instance, drivers are to yield the right of way of legally crossing pedestrians, always. Then you must back up or turn around. Wear light colored clothing or use a flashlight to make you more visible to drivers at night. 1 See answer Advertisement Martebi On a level highway, it takes only three to five seconds longer to pass a truck than a car. Do not depend on your rearview or side mirrors as you cannot see directly behind your vehicle. Often, tickets are handed out for right of way violations only after an accident occurs. They left without doing anything. It is against the law to use your directional signals to tell drivers behind you that they can pass. You enter a paved road from an unpaved road. Another common question regarding intersections is: when two cars arrive at an intersection at the same time, which car has the right of way? Look for possible danger. You are driving a delivery truck that is less than 40 years old, with a new weight of 22,500 pounds. You have a pick-up truck that weighed 4,000 pounds when it was new. Follow these guidelines for driving at night: Look both ways and be ready to brake or stop. If making your request in person at the court window, you MUST; Enter a plea of No Contest or Guilty and c omplete the driving safety request form and affidavit; Pay a total of $144.00; this amount includes the $134.00 court costs and the $10.00 administrative fee. Reduce your headlights to the parking light position at night. Buses used for transportation of persons for compensation. = 15 ? Florida law requires that you take the keys out of your vehicle before leaving it. Drivers must always yield the right-of-way to persons who are blind. When you are finished. Vehicles illegally parked in spaces reserved for the handicapped will be ticketed and may be towed. Be aware of vehicles behind you. Allow them to turn or pass before proceeding. if you throw out any cigarettes, trash, or litter bags. If you triple the speed, the impact is nine times as great. User: 3/4 16/9 Weegy: 3/4 ? What is the motive in this case for murder? Always check traffic behind you before getting out, or get out on the curb side. Right of way rules are about courtesy as much as they are about decreasing accidents. Drive with your window open and use your hand signal when you slow down or stop. e were 20 years old. = 15 * 3/20 Filed Under: You are driving during rush hour, and your vehicle is in heavy stop and go traffic. Drive at the slowest speed just before entering the intersection, not while crossing. There are nine steps in making a good turn: If you reach an intersection where you wish to make a right or left turn and are not in the proper lane, you should drive to the next intersection. Again, the driver making a left turn should yield to the one making a right turn whether there is a traffic light, stop sign or no sign present. Whenever a load extends to the rear feet or more beyond the bed or body of a vehicle at night, the end and sides of the load must be marked by, You are driving a car with a digital music player connected to the sound system. Move forward only when the road is clear. It seems more intuitive to believe that traffic entering the highway should be allowed to merge onto the road, but just like on all other roadways vehicles that were on the road before you have the right of way. Why? During the time that Jose was in the ditch six people knew he was in the ditch and did nothing to help him. Be alert to what is going on around you and do not take your eyes off the road for more than a few seconds at the time. B. When properly parked, the vehicle should be centered inside the space with no part of the vehicle extending out into the traffic lane. Look for regulatory signs at the intersection that show whether a right turn is prohibited. 10. *The 55 MPH maximum speed limit is still in effect in Florida except where otherwise posted. you should lift your foot off the gas pedal and let the other car move ahead, so it is clear you are not racing them. You are modifying it to increase its ground clearance. You must make sure the brige is clear of oncoming traffic before you start cross. If possible, park where the disabled vehicle can be seen for 200 feet in each direction. Follow these guidelines for handling emergencies. Independent travel involves some risk that can be greatly reduced when you, the driver, are aware of the use and meaning of a white cane or guide dog. Red reflectors always mean you are facing traffic the wrong way and could have a head-on collision. The Weegy: A modal verb (also modal, modal auxiliary verb, modal auxiliary) is a type of auxiliary verb that is used to You are driving in a municipal area and you see this traffic sign ahead. Is murder a felony or misdemeanor? B. Fasten the belt snugly. Do not follow a motorcyclist closely. On the roads with more than one lane in each direction, do not drive in someone else's blind spot. Infant carriers or children's car seats must be used for children three years old and younger. If you stay in the right lane, watch for cars entering the expressway. In an uncontrolled intersection right of way situation there are no stop or yield signs or lights indicating appropriate driving procedure. Slow down and plan for at least two times the normal stopping distance. Bright lights from a vehicle behind will blind the truck driver when they reflect off the truck's large side mirrors. You should not try to read books, magazines, newspapers, or other reading material while driving. Slow down as soon as you are off the expressway. The course teaches ways of keeping crashes from happening. In such a way that you block or create a hazard for other vehicles. -is what's meant by the phrase "The domesticated generations fell Weegy: A suffix is added to the end of a word to alter its meaning. The only exception to this would be if you are trying to enter an expressway through an exit. In Florida, the bicycle is legally defined as a vehicle. Everyone knows you will merge at the end of the ramp. Ideally, left turns yield to right turns. B. underestimate What is = 2 1/4. Determining who had the right of way in an accident helps police officials, judges and, State By State: Differences In How States Handle Driver’s License Renewals, Washington State Passes New Distracted Driving Law That Bans Holding a Cellphone While Driving. At four way stops, drivers must also yield to those who were at the intersection first as well as to crossing pedestrians. Always scan for pedestrians before starting the turn. You plan to make a left turn and a vehicle is approaching from the opposite direction. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. The truck may block most of the road when backing up, You are driving your vehicle and you see a traffic sign that says. Octagonal Gravel roads decrease traction and may cause a rider to slow down or brake where a car would not. Most expressway exits are from the right lane. Remember that the turbulence pushes the vehicles apart. *Speed limits are 70 MPH on some rural interstate highways. Speed limits may be changed on other multi-lane highways and in areas where the conditions require lower speeds. 16/9 = Weegy: Whenever an individual stops drinking, the BAL will decrease slowly. Weegy: When you are preparing to drive with . Try to pry the pedal up with the toe of your shoe. When you are driving, things can happen very quickly. After passing, the truck driver will signal to let you know that the truck will be returning to your lane. It is dangerous. Manuel broke into a store and called 911 to summon aid for his badly bleeding hand. T-intersection right of way calls for the turning vehicles to yield to straight-moving traffic. Be aware of vehicles behind you. If you double the speed of a car, you increase its force of impact four times. If not, you must start CPR right away. Don't just use your safety belt for long trips or high-speed highways.More than half of the crashes that cause injury or death happen: ALL CHILDREN 5 YEARS OLD OR YOUNGER MUST USE A RESTRAINT DEVICE WHEN RIDING IN A MOTOR VEHICLE. Drive with the flow of traffic (within the speed limit). Try to adjust your speed so that you can move into the traffic when you reach the end of the acceleration lane. Will be returning to your antenna or left door handle to show you need.. 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